TPP Initiatives

In addition to preparing Princeton University students to become certified teachers, the Program in Teacher Preparation is responsible for other important initiatives.   

Questioning Underlies Effective Science Teaching (QUEST)  

QUEST is a professional development program for local elementary, middle school and high school teachers that is held each summer. The program offers a unique opportunity for teachers to enhance their knowledge of science and math by engaging in laboratory experiments and field experiences led by the faculty and staff of the University and scientists from neighboring institutions. Students in the Program in Teacher Preparation and alumni have the opportunity to participate in QUEST at no cost. Please contact  Dr. Jessica Monaghan in the office of the Program in Teacher Preparation for additional information.   

Teachers as Scholars (TAS)

Teachers as Scholars is a partnership between Princeton University and the surrounding school districts formed with the objective of providing scholarly and intellectually engaging opportunities for teachers. The TAS program provides seminars for area teachers during the academic year. All seminars are taught by faculty and staff from Princeton University. The seminars span a wide range of topics and subject areas, and are intended to promote life-long learning by teachers at both the elementary and secondary school levels.  For additional information please contact Dr. Ashley Taylor Jaffee in the office of the Program in Teacher Preparation.