After a student’s application to the program has been accepted, the candidate must complete the Introductory Practicum (IP) within a specified period of time dependent upon when the student applied in order to be officially enrolled in Teacher Prep. The IP is designed to provide all students entering the program with an opportunity to interact directly and substantively with a school environment by engaging in guided, focused observations of classrooms, and to become acquainted with the state and national standards for teachers and for students. Students are also introduced to the Professional Portfolio, the culminating program assessment for candidates seeking the New Jersey teaching certificate with advanced standing. The IP consists of selected readings, 18 hours of school-based observations of teachers, and two in-depth follow-up discussions. Each semester Teacher Prep arranges a day-long visit to several schools to help fulfill the 18 hours of clinical experiences requirement. If necessary, the school visits can also be individually scheduled. Students are required to perform an additional 12 hours of observations on their own. The IP is not a regularly scheduled, credit-bearing course.