State Teaching License

The State License Level allows students to earn the NJ Certificate of Eligibility with Advanced Standing (CEAS), the state’s initial teaching license. Students at this level must take all the courses required for the Certificate Level and then return after graduation to complete the full-time student teaching courses (TPP 405 and TPP 406), complete the program’s Professional Portfolio, and pass the New Jersey State required assessments (Praxis Subject Area Test(s), the program's performance assessment, and an oral proficiency test for licensure in specified World Languages).

The program's performance assessment consists of two components completed during the TPP 406 student teaching semester: the Student Teacher Work Sample and the supervisor's final student teacher evaluation using the Danielson Framework for Teaching. Students must receive a passing score on both components of the performance assessment to be eligible for the state certificate. Certification can be transferred to other states through reciprocity agreements between those states and the State of New Jersey. The transfer of the New Jersey CEAS may require a state-specific test, professional development, or specific course requirements stipulated by a particular state. Students interested in being certified to teach in other states are urged to consult the department of education websites for the states in which they are seeking certification to learn about the specific requirements of those states. Students may also consult with the staff of the Program in Teacher Preparation for information or guidance.

The following states have statutes that require them to accept comparable licenses from any other state (Note: States marked with an asterisk have program graduates working as licensed teachers within the last 10 years): Arizona, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Mississippi, *Missouri, Nevada, *Oklahoma In addition to the above states, the following states have signed the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) interstate agreement which facilitates license reciprocity for member states. NASDTEC does not guarantee full teacher license reciprocity, and some states may impose additional requirements (Note: States marked with an asterisk have program graduates working as licensed teachers within the last 10 years): Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, *California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, *Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, *New Jersey, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, *Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, *Tennessee, *Texas, Utah, Vermont, *Virginia, *Washington, West Virginia, *Wisconsin, Wyoming.

The following states and territories have not signed the NASDTEC agreement, which does not necessarily preclude them from accepting licenses from other states (Note: States marked with an asterisk have program graduates working as licensed teachers within the last 10 years): America Samoa, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Guam, New Mexico, *New York, Puerto Rico, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Republic of Palau, South Dakota, and the U.S. Virgin Islands
While some states may have additional requirements, such as taking a specific course or test, we know of no state that has completely rejected the transfer of a license from New Jersey.