Professional Portfolio

The Professional Portfolio is a collection of artifacts and evidence gathered throughout the program, which, along with written reflections, document the student’s progress in their professional skill development and ultimately the achievement of the New Jersey Professional Standards for Teachers (which are closely aligned with the national InTASC standards). The portfolio also contains a section to allow the candidate to demonstrate the necessary dispositions for effective teaching. The portfolio is evaluated at three checkpoints. The first Pre-Professional Portfolio evaluation occurs at the end of the semester just prior to the first semester of student teaching (TPP 404). The candidate must receive a “Pass” on the Pre-Professional Portfolio evaluation by their advisor in order to begin TPP 403 and TPP 404.  The second portfolio evaluation occurs at the conclusion of TPP 404 and consists of another review by the advisor to ensure that the candidate has met all the requirements for progressing to full-time student teaching (TPP 405 and TPP 406).  The third and final Professional Portfolio review takes place at the conclusion of TPP 405 and TPP 406 and consists of a formal defense of the portfolio with a review panel consisting of the candidate’s Teacher Prep advisor, a professor from a field related to the area of licensure, and an educator from a local school district.  The defense must be successfully completed before the student’s application for CEAS licensure can be submitted to the New Jersey Department of Education. The portfolio must receive a “Pass” by a majority of reviewers for the program to recommend the student for NJ licensure.