Professional Development Summer Institutes

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QUEST stands for Questioning Underlies Effective Science Teaching. The Professional Development Summer Institutes have evolved over QUEST's 35+ year history and emphasize that science is a way of knowing about the world through a process of discovery. We want teachers to fully immerse themselves as learners and experience lifelong and lifewide learning. Lifewide- encompassing everyday “here and now” learning through informal experiences and formal education.

We offer innovative programming each summer for STEM teachers to build their data fluency with real world research and deepen their understanding of science topics while engaging with faculty, researchers, lead teachers, and other amazing campus collaborators. We approach professional learning at QUEST as an opportunity to help teachers engage as a student again and enjoy the learning experience as an adult. Educators can expect to experience field work, hands-on activities, simulations, interactive discussions, peer collaboration, and “Teacher Talk” time with a lead teacher to bring relevant ideas back to their own classrooms. Teachers will earn over 30 professional development hours as well as an honorarium for completing the week. 

QUEST Program Goals:

  • Serve as a partner to facilitate meaningful collaborations between Princeton faculty and K-12 NJ educators.
  • Boost teachers’ confidence in STEM by deepening content knowledge, data fluency,  and engaging in scientific practices.
  • Provide teachers with a unique opportunity to “self-direct” their science learning through experiential and inquiry-based models of learning.
  • Support teachers with integrating relevant ideas into their classroom that meet the needs of their unique context, student population, curricula, and district initiatives. 
teachers in a classroom looking at a sand tank


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