The Quest Institute will run from July 11-15, 2016
Get Ready for the Next Generation Science Standards at QUEST.
QUEST is designed to enhance teachers' knowledge of science and mathematics through laboratory experiments and experiences aligned with the NGSS.
Teachers will revise lessons to align with NGSS, as well as discuss pedagogy and the underlying content with colleagues and the faculty.
QUEST will focus on the Disciplinary Core Ideas as well as Science & Engineering Practices of the Next Generation Science Standards to support teachers’ implementations.
Registration fee is $250 before 3/31/16 and fee increases to $300 after 3/31/16. Apply here.
Space is limited and we may not be able to accept all applications.
Weather and Climate - For teachers in grades K-8
Experiment with air pressure, temperature, the seasons, the greenhouse effect, humidity, clouds, wind, the Coriolis effect, storms, and colors in the sky.
Teachers will plan NGSS aligned lessons and engage in these NGSS Science and Engineering Practices:
- Develop and Use Models
- Analyzing and interpreting data
- Asking questions and defining problem
At Princeton with Dr. Steve Carson, John Witherspoon Middle School and formerly with the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory.
Life in Extreme Environments - For teachers in grades 6-12
What is life and where do we find it? What does the evolution of life tell us about the origins of life? How do organisms survive in extreme environments such as thermal vents on the ocean floor, acid hot springs in Yellowstone Park, ice covered lakes in Antarctica, miles beneath the Earth’s surface, and on the ISS orbiting our planet? We will explore what scientists have learned about the Tree of Life by examining what bacteria, viruses and other organisms have done to adapt and survive.
Teachers will plan NGSS aligned lessons and engage in these NGSS Science & Engineering Practices:
- Analyzing and interpreting data
- Constructing explanations
- Engaging in argument from evidence
At Princeton with Professor T. C. Onstott, Ph.D., and Danille Schmitt Geosciences.