Professional Development for Teachers

The Program in Teacher Preparation provides a number of collaborative outreach initiatives for local PK-12 teachers and schools, and information on each can be accessed through the links provided below.

Teachers as Scholars & Administrators as Scholars

The Teachers as Scholars & Administrators as Scholars programs provide scholarly and intellectually engaging, 1-day and 2-day long seminars on a wide variety of topics and content areas for teachers and administrators from partnering schools.

QUEST Professional Development Institutes

The QUEST program provides week long, inquiry-based summer professional development institutes for PK-12 teachers. The program is co-taught by current researchers and teachers to support the development of teachers’ skills to apply science/math content knowledge in their classroom and increases teachers’ enthusiasm, knowledge and confidence in teaching science and math.

Princeton Prize for Distinguished Secondary School Teaching

Each year since 1959, Princeton University has honored at its Commencement four outstanding New Jersey teachers from public and independent schools for their contributions to the lives of the state’s secondary school students and to their school communities.

New Jersey STEM Innovation Fellowship

The New Jersey STEM Innovation Fellowship is a K-5 teacher-leadership program developed by Math for America (MƒA), a nationally recognized STEM education nonprofit, with Teacher Prep at Princeton University, Montclair University and Rowan University.

Steve Carson, QUEST Program Facilitator