
Brooke Boertzel’s professional passion involves utilizing theater as an educational tool for exploring social, emotional, and academic content. Brooke holds an MFA in Acting from the Actors Studio Drama School at New School University and an MA in Educational Theatre from NYU. She’s served on panels and as a guest lecturer at NYU, Hunter College, Baruch College, Teachers College at Columbia University, City College of New York, Brooklyn College, Rutgers, and Princeton University, covering such topics as arts integration, assessment, and evaluation, applied theatre, curricula design, and developing theatre and curricula with and for special populations, including English Language Learners and students with disabilities. Before working at McCarter, Brooke served for 11 years as the Director of Education at New York City Children’s Theater, previously named Making Books Sing. Utilizing her expertise in arts integrative learning, she co-created Alice’s Story and Fair and Square, two nationally recognized interactive anti-bullying applied theater programs featured on the cover of Time Magazine for Kids in 2012. Brooke served on the Board of Directors for the New York City Arts and Education Roundtable from 2013-2018, where she advocated for quality arts programming for NYC public schools while also acting as the Chair of their Membership Committee.
Theater is an extraordinary educational tool that enhances and enriches students’ learning across all subjects. Join us for an immersive two-day seminar where you’ll delve into a diverse collection of engaging and educational games, expanding your creative toolbox. Discover the art of introducing story structure effectively while collectively crafting and performing an original short play. Throughout the seminar, we’ll delve into strategies for tailoring activities to suit different age groups and abilities, ensuring that educators from all disciplines and skill levels are welcome. Brace yourself for an active and participatory experience - bring your enthusiasm and get ready to play!