2025 Nomination Packet (includes nomination form and dossier instructions-downloadable)
The nominee(s)’s major activity a (minimum of three-fifths) must be secondary school classroom teaching (grades 7 – 12), and must have at least five years of continuous service in the nominating school or school district. Two teacher co-teaching teams are also welcome to be nominated. The Committee will look, first and foremost, for concrete examples of the effect of the nominee’s teaching on his/her students, and will also look for specific instances of the nominee’s contributions to the school and the community, as well as consider how the nominee’s achievements reflect his/her philosophy of education.
Required materials:
_____ Nomination Form signed by the superintendent, principal, or head of school and emailed as a PDF.
Nomination Dossier (please include the following in one PDF):
_____ Letter of support written by the nominator or designee.
_____ Nominee’s resume of no more than two pages.
_____ Letter of support from one other colleague of the nominee.
_____ Letters of support from two students the teacher has taught within the past five years( 2020-2024)
_____ Nominee’s personal statement.
_____ Nominee’s complete teaching schedule.
For nominations of two teachers in a co-teaching team, please submit these materials
_____ Nomination Form signed by the superintendent, principal, or head of school and emailed as a PDF.
Nomination Dossier (please include the following in one PDF):
_____ A letter of support written by the nominator or by a designee on behalf of the two teachers
_____ A copy of each teacher’s resume
_____ A letter of support from one other colleague of the teachers
_____ Letters of support from two students whom the teachers have co-taught within the past five years (2019-2023)
_____ One co-written personal statement of no more than two pages from the teachers that will provide the selection committee a sense of the teachers’ perspective on their work
_____ The teachers’ complete teaching schedules.