This page contains information to help inform the public and stakeholders regarding the performance and impact of the program and its graduates. Below you will find information in regard to Title II Reporting, Accreditation Status, and the Eight Annual Reporting Measures for the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP).
Title II Reporting
The Teacher Preparation Program at Princeton University has posted a 100% Pass Rate on the exams (PRAXIS II) required for New Jersey licensure and as required for Title II Reporting for every year since public reporting has been required. In 1998, Congress passed Title II of the Higher Education Act which requires all colleges and universities with teacher preparation programs to develop and publish an annual report on their programs. However, pass rates for programs are not reported if the number of test takers falls below 10 for the reporting period, which was the case for the program during the 2016-17 academic year.
Teacher Education Accreditation Council (TEAC) accreditation of the Program
The Program in Teacher Preparation at Princeton University which is designed to produce students who demonstrate subject matter knowledge, understanding of learning and teaching, and instructional proficiency as identified by relevant standards is accredited by the Teacher Education Accreditation Council - TEAC (now the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation - CAEP) for a period of seven years, from June 12, 2012 to June 12, 2019. This accreditation certifies that the Program in Teacher Preparation at Princeton University has provided evidence that it adheres to TEAC’s quality principles.
As part of the accreditation process, the Program is required to provide information on the performance of its students. The Program regularly collects such student performance data as PRAXIS II test scores (see Title 2 reporting above), course grades, clinical evaluations, pupil surveys, employer evaluations, and other relevant measures. These data are collected, analyzed, and tested for reliability and validity as measures of achievement in support the Program’s claims made to TEAC as part of the accreditation process. The program is proud of the accomplishments of its students and alumni, and these data support our claims that program students know their subject area, possess the necessary pedagogical knowledge to meet the instructional needs of their students, and demonstrate teaching skill that is both caring and professional.
Click here to access a summary of the Program’s accreditation with TEAC.
The Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) requires programs to provide performance measures to the public regarding eight categories related to program impact and program outcomes. The table below provides summary data for each of the eight measures.
The New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) provided evaluation data for 15 program graduates from Fall of 2010 to Spring of 2015 who taught in New Jersey public schools during the 2014-15 and 2015-16 school years. These individuals represent approximately 25% of total program completers for that time period. One of the measures provided by the state is an SGO (Student Growth Objective) score which is part of the New Jersey teacher evaluation framework and reflects the outcome of a specific and measurable long-term learning goal aligned to New Jersey standards. All of our graduates earned scores of either 3 (“good”) or 4 (“excellent”), indicating significant positive impact on student learning. The average SGO score for the group was 3.6 on the four-point scale.
CAEP Annual Reporting Measure 2: Indicators of teaching effectiveness
The NJDOE also provided School Year Evaluation Scores for the teachers and school years referenced above. Evaluation scores are determined by formulas that take into account professional practice, as evaluated by research-based evaluation frameworks, and student growth as measured on performance on state and/or local assessments as determined by the subject area. For the sample of graduates described for CAEP Reporting Measure 1, every rating was either a 3 (“effective”) or a 4 (“highly effective”). These positive ratings are particularly noteworthy considering that these teachers are all in the early stages of their careers, and that the ratings are not generally adjusted for experience. The average School Year Evaluation Score for the group was 3.4 on the four-point scale, which was consistent with a state-wide average of 3.4 for all teachers as reported in 2017 by the NJDOE.
CAEP Annual Reporting Measure 3: Satisfaction of employers and employment milestones
The program administered a survey to employers of program graduates from the fall of 2008 to spring of 2014. The employer response rate was 50 %, and when the employer was asked “In terms of overall teaching skill, please indicate how the teacher is prepared as compared with other teachers of comparable experience” all employers rated program graduates as either “Distinguished” or “Proficient,” the two highest ratings on a four point scale.
In a question that asked about leadership roles they have taken and other employment milestones, eligible alumni responded with the following top five categories:
- Advising a student club 79%
- Curriculum development 47%
- Professional Development 37%
- Coached a sport 26%
- Received formal recognition or award 21%
CAEP Annual Reporting Measure 4: Satisfaction of completers
The program surveyed graduates from the fall 2012 to spring 2017. When asked “Please rate the overall level of preparation to become a classroom teacher that you received from Teacher Prep” the following responses were given:
38%. Distinguished - well beyond expectations and comparable to teachers beyond the novice level
47% Proficient - meets expectations for a novice teacher
15% Basic - meets expectations in several areas but below expectations in others as compared to other novice teachers
0% Unsatisfactory - below expectations in most areas as compared to other novice teachers
CAEP Annual Reporting Measure 5: Graduation Rates
The 2016-17 cohort of program students had a 100 percent graduation rate at the University.
CAEP Annual Reporting Measure 6: Ability of completers to meet licensing (certification) and any additional state requirements; Title II
By satisfying the program requirements, all program completers were eligible to meet licensing and state requirements. Program completers have a 100% pass rate on state licensing exam (See Title II Report above).
CAEP Annual Reporting Measure 7: Ability of completers to be hired in education positions for which they have prepared
Of the 2016-17 cohort (n=9), 67% secured jobs in teaching positions relating to their preparation, 22% chose to pursue graduate school, and 11% are unreported.
CAEP Annual Reporting Measure 8: Student loan default rates and other consumer information
The student loan default rate for FY 2013, the most recent available, is 0.9% for the University.