Dec. 6th at 4pm, Leadership & Education Reform Seminar

Nov. 4, 2016

Title: Leadership & Education Reform: Lessons Learned in the Trenches

Date: December 6th at 4:00PM

Location: Friend Center Convocation Room

Speaker: Arnold E. Holtberg '70, U.S. & International Leader in Public & Private Schools


Please join us for a conversation with Arnold E. Holtberg '70 about education reform, leadership and the intricacies of academia. 

Mr. Holtberg has served as the Headmaster, Dean of Students and as teacher of Social Studies in numerous U.S. private and public schools, as well as the principal of the Hong Kong International School. His experiences on the Board of Directors of many not-for-profit organizations and private schools, as well as a Regional Panelist for the President’s Commission on White House Fellowships, has informed his leadership strategies and skills to improve education systems.  Join in this conversation with a US and international educator.

This seminar is a part of the G.S. Beckwith Gilbert '63 Lecture Series and is free and open to the public. 

Refreshments will be available at 4PM and the conversation will start at 4:30PM.